Sunday, March 25, 2012

Random Thought: Why I Hate Phones That Are Smarter Than Me

I don't like it when a phone is smarter than me. It makes me feel jealous. I like to be in control of my phone not have my phone tell me what to do.

Don't get me wrong, I used to own a smart phone and I loved it (that's the problem). I depended to much on it for everything and if I didn't have it I would go crazy and turn into a psychopath investigator being suspicious of everything and everyone.

Everywhere I went I had to use my phone and it was touchscreen so if I would put it in my pocket it would start dialing random people.

Anyways, here are just a few reasons I dislike Smart Phones:

I don't want people to laugh at me

My phone didn't have spell check but I've heard most new smart phones such as Blackberries have this and I've heard it's a pain in the a**. At least that's what I've seen from some FB statuses.

We got people calling themselves "gay" when they meant "wey" (dude) and "kiss" instead of "diss" and other words that are too rated for me to mention them here. Apparently these new smart phones are not Street Smart lol!

This type of words can make you the laughing stock and can really damage your online as well as offline image. People will look at you differently if you know what I mean.

Smart Phone APPS

Another reason I hate smart phones is because of the apps. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not putting down people who like to play games on their phones or like certain apps. My problem is that certain other types of apps such as spy ware or malware can be installed into your phone without your knowledge.

 One particular spy ware that seems to be popular amongst smart phones is Mspy. This type of software is advertised as helping people catch their cheating spouses or businesses to spy on their employees if they are using the companies property such as company cell phones, computers, etc.

While it seems harmless to most, it can get out of control and most of these apps are being used unethically. Too much power in the wrong hands or SMART phones can get crazy or should I say Genious crazy.


Theses smart phones are so smart that eventually they get tired and their batteries need recharging just like people except we don't always die on the spot. These phones are more unpredictable than a human's life and they require so much energy. 

When they don't have enough they die and it could leave you at anytime when you most need it. You could be having a special conversation with someone or an important phone conference that gets cut off all because your phone needs to be charged.


I mean here you are depending on your phone for everything. You are using GPS to get to places and you are searching everything you need so your brain stops functioning like it should be. 

Don't get me wrong even computers do this to us sometimes but smart phones are so portable that people seem to carry it anywhere so they become dependable on it even for simple reasoning skills that they forget how to think for themselves. 

There are many more reasons why I hate smart phones but it would take a book for me to express my opinions (it's a possibility lol). I always get crap about not replying to phone texts and I have to apologize for my phone not being as fast or smart. 

It takes forever for me to type a text on my prepaid numbers only phone but since practically everyone owns a smart phone, not everyone understands me. I know I'm probably missing out on all the game apps mania fun but it's OK as long as I don't lose myself.

They think I'm just ignoring them, but I'm not. People can judge me all they want about me not owning a smart phone but I won't apologize for not wanting to own one. That's just my decision and believe me I am much happier now that I don't own one. 

Note: Not everyone who owns a smart phone depends on it as much and I'm not saying that these phones are for people who are not smart. It's just a concern I have that large corporations are making billions from these phones and humanity is paying a much higher price than just money, such as their freedom and their true selves but that's just my opinion. 

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is solely of myself and I do not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of the above OPINIONS, neither would I be responsible for any consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the actions resulting from such opinions. Reader is asked to do their own due diligence or research before taking any action! For the Smart Phone companies: I am not responsible for individuals or companies who stop purchasing smart phones or vice versa. As I mentioned before, I am only expressing my opinion. (I just had 2 put that here4legal

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