If you haven't' read my previous post CLICK HERE to read that first and get more details including THE SACRED HEART SOUP
Diet Recipe, then checkout the results here.
DAY 1: The official first day of the 7 day soup diet. Well what can I say about today. I'm not weighing myself yet until the last day which will be Day 7 but I must say today was a good day. Yesterday I got all the ingredients for the soup and I stocked up with fruits and veggies and juices (no sugar added) This morning I started with a black cup of coffee with a teaspoon of Splenda sugar (I don't know if the Splenda is allowed but I'm using it anyways) and a cup of grapes.
I started cooking the soup before I left for school. It took awhile to cut everything up but since it was a large quantity, I don't mind since I know I'm not going to be cutting anymore of it this until I run out of soup. As the vegetables were cooking I couldn't help but notice how good the soup looked and smelled. After it cooked, I tasted it and decided to sprinkle Mrs. Dash seasoning to add some flavor and a dash of salt. "Mmm yummy now its just right" I thought to myself. To my surprise the vegetable soup tasted pretty good but I couldn't help but wonder if I was going to withstand eating the soup for one whole week.
I put some soup in the fridge and put the rest in the freezer to use for the following days. I took an apple to school so I could munch on while in school and extra water bottles. After eating soup for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and fruits all day long, I realized I have never felt like this since I was a kid. I didn't drink coke all day and that is unusual because I'm usually addicted to caffeine but it always drags me down after the effects wear off, but today I did just fine without it and I didn't even crave it. I do admit though, that I drank some cran-energy juice drink. I don't know if this is allowed with this diet but I'm going to customize it to my needs to see how it goes.
My energy levels were incredible today. I even went for a one hour jog after my soup dinner and my knees didn't even hurt. I haven't felt this amazing since I was a kid and my Acid Reflux seemed almost non-existent today. I have been singing all day and my voice is improving and its only the first day! I can't wait for tomorrow!
I started cooking the soup before I left for school. It took awhile to cut everything up but since it was a large quantity, I don't mind since I know I'm not going to be cutting anymore of it this until I run out of soup. As the vegetables were cooking I couldn't help but notice how good the soup looked and smelled. After it cooked, I tasted it and decided to sprinkle Mrs. Dash seasoning to add some flavor and a dash of salt. "Mmm yummy now its just right" I thought to myself. To my surprise the vegetable soup tasted pretty good but I couldn't help but wonder if I was going to withstand eating the soup for one whole week.
I put some soup in the fridge and put the rest in the freezer to use for the following days. I took an apple to school so I could munch on while in school and extra water bottles. After eating soup for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and fruits all day long, I realized I have never felt like this since I was a kid. I didn't drink coke all day and that is unusual because I'm usually addicted to caffeine but it always drags me down after the effects wear off, but today I did just fine without it and I didn't even crave it. I do admit though, that I drank some cran-energy juice drink. I don't know if this is allowed with this diet but I'm going to customize it to my needs to see how it goes.
My energy levels were incredible today. I even went for a one hour jog after my soup dinner and my knees didn't even hurt. I haven't felt this amazing since I was a kid and my Acid Reflux seemed almost non-existent today. I have been singing all day and my voice is improving and its only the first day! I can't wait for tomorrow!
DAY 2: Surprisingly today I woke up feeling rested. I usually wake up dragging, tired and desperate for caffeine but nothing hurt today. My knees were not in pain like they usually are and once again my Acid Reflux was mild and seemed nonexistent. I ate soup again for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and I ate fruits. I don't know if I'm allowed to have fruits today because it doesn't specify but I decided to add fruits today. The drinks I had today were black coffee with Splenda sugar, apple juice, orange juice, 1 small can of cran-energy juice drink and plenty of water to keep hydrated.
I didn't go running today but I figured I got my exercise with today's busy day running errands everywhere, running around with my kids, and taking care of my domestic duties at home which had me sweating like if I had just run a marathon.
The only negative issue today was watching everyone else eat regular foods and rubbing it in. At one point one of my kids even said "mmm yummy I"m eating this delicious hamburger; too bad you can only eat soup mom" LOL!! Other than that, I felt great and I didn't even miss my Coke (not that coke..lol)!
I didn't go running today but I figured I got my exercise with today's busy day running errands everywhere, running around with my kids, and taking care of my domestic duties at home which had me sweating like if I had just run a marathon.
The only negative issue today was watching everyone else eat regular foods and rubbing it in. At one point one of my kids even said "mmm yummy I"m eating this delicious hamburger; too bad you can only eat soup mom" LOL!! Other than that, I felt great and I didn't even miss my Coke (not that coke..lol)!
DAY 3: I woke up this morning and decided to weigh myself to see if there was any difference in my weight. I know I said I wasn't going to do this until the end of the week but I was eager to know. To my surprise I weighed 210 lbs. which means I lost about 9 lbs. and its barely the third day. I'm almost halfway towards my shorter goal for this week.
I feel more motivated than ever. Not only did I feel great, I was losing weight too. I have to keep this up at least until the end of the week! I had more soup than I usually did today. I had seconds for lunch, breakfast, and dinner since there's no limit to the amount of soup you can have.
I feel more motivated than ever. Not only did I feel great, I was losing weight too. I have to keep this up at least until the end of the week! I had more soup than I usually did today. I had seconds for lunch, breakfast, and dinner since there's no limit to the amount of soup you can have.
DAY 4: I should of known it was to good to be true, my Acid Reflux is back and I had to take my medicine to help but its still been a victory since before I wouldn't of last 1 day without my medicine. Other than that things are looking up and I still weigh 210 lbs. Today is a day of eating mostly bananas, soup, and drinking skim milk but I can't help but be excited for tomorrow when I finally get to eat meat..yum..can't wait!
DAY 5: I decided to eat red meat for tomorrow in which I'm planning on doing a FAJITA cookout since I can eat all the meat I want tomorrow. YUM..LOL! I ate soup for breakfast and lunch and cooked some more chicken for dinner. My drinks consisted of 100% apple juice, 1 cup of black coffee in the morning, and plenty of water.
Today I'm planning on jogging with my daughter after my kids speech therapy only because I haven't done it since Day 1 and I have some catching up to do concerning my exercise.
As soon as the afternoon arrived, I was not feeling so well so I didn't go jogging. My head hurt so bad and I was feeling a bit weak and my throat seemed to have some inflammation. Maybe I'm catching a cold or something. I know what your thinking that my symptoms are caused by the Sacred Heart Diet, but I don't believe this is the case. I did some research and found out that I could be suffering from caffeine withdrawal. I mean this is an extreme diet that makes you cut out almost all of your caffeine drinks such as soda. I went from drinking several Coke drinks to none and I was fine at first but by the end of this 5th day, my body is missing some caffeine and its responding negatively because its not in my system anymore.
Today I'm planning on jogging with my daughter after my kids speech therapy only because I haven't done it since Day 1 and I have some catching up to do concerning my exercise.
As soon as the afternoon arrived, I was not feeling so well so I didn't go jogging. My head hurt so bad and I was feeling a bit weak and my throat seemed to have some inflammation. Maybe I'm catching a cold or something. I know what your thinking that my symptoms are caused by the Sacred Heart Diet, but I don't believe this is the case. I did some research and found out that I could be suffering from caffeine withdrawal. I mean this is an extreme diet that makes you cut out almost all of your caffeine drinks such as soda. I went from drinking several Coke drinks to none and I was fine at first but by the end of this 5th day, my body is missing some caffeine and its responding negatively because its not in my system anymore.
DAY 6: Woke up this morning and decided to weigh myself and to my surprise I weighed 207. I didn't expect to lose any more weight since I ate more yesterday,but I guess the more you eat, the more weight you lose.This means I have lost a total of 12 lbs so far. Today is CARNE ASADA time!! Fajita Time!! But I have to figure out when I will be able to do the cookout since I go to school today and don't return until nighttime. OK so I decided maybe I will cook the FAJITAS in the oven or the pan. I decided to pack some fajitas and fruits with me to college in case I got hungry later on. I felt great today but it was a busy day which didn't leave any time for jogging like I would of liked but its all good; I'm still happy with the results so far.
DAY 7: FINALE DAY YAY! Today was a good day. I had soup for breakfast with a cup of black coffee. For lunch I had soup again with a bowl of brown rice and strawberries on the side and baby spinach and orange juice to drink. The brown rice was prepared Mexican-style just like I like it with Knorr consume and pimienta (Black Pepper) and garlic and comino and green pepper and onion..etc..For dinner, I had a small bowl of soup and 2 bowls of rice. I had apple juice to drink and ate watermelon and cucumber with salt and lemon for desert. the final weigh-in 205 lbs. I lost 14 lbs. Not exactly my goal but close. Just as I realized the week and day was over and so was my diet, I noticed there was no more soup left. I thought to myself "I did it" .
I started with a weight of 219 lbs.. and I am now at a weight of 205 lbs. Even though I did not lose 20 lbs., I feel it was a success because I still lost 14 lbs. and I gained more energy than I used to have. I definitely got the jump start I needed towards a healthier me!
My skin has improved and my acne is practically gone which means less makeup needed. For a mom like me that's super busy and doesn't have time to wear makeup everyday, its amazing to feel confident and not have to worry about getting breakouts or using makeup to cover it. I can just focus on other things in life that are more important such as being a mom, college, my career goals and dreams.
My teeth seem cleaner and whiter. It could be the fact that I'm not drinking any soda, eating candy, or other junk food that can make teeth stain. In addition, I noticed my energy levels skyrocketed. One of the main reasons I was hooked on caffeine soda drinks was that I needed the energy to function as a busy on- the- go mom, but all the extra vitamins I got from the vegetables and fruits gave me just the energy I needed to focus and to be honest I will never go back to COKE..lol..Coca Cola people..now don't start any rumors..LOL!!
My teeth seem cleaner and whiter. It could be the fact that I'm not drinking any soda, eating candy, or other junk food that can make teeth stain. In addition, I noticed my energy levels skyrocketed. One of the main reasons I was hooked on caffeine soda drinks was that I needed the energy to function as a busy on- the- go mom, but all the extra vitamins I got from the vegetables and fruits gave me just the energy I needed to focus and to be honest I will never go back to COKE..lol..Coca Cola people..now don't start any rumors..LOL!!
You should consult you doctor or nutritionist before you start any extreme diet or 7 day soup diet if you have some medical conditions as every person is different and although it is beneficial for most it can be risky for others who need to eat certain foods or drinks or who may be allergic to certain foods.
I am not a physician; I am only stating my opinion based on my personal weight-loss results from the SACRED HEART DIET also known as the 7 day soup diet and nothing more. In my opinion, I would recommend this soup diet only for short-term results and to get you jump started towards a healthier you. I like that it cleanses your body from the inside out and is a whole lot safer than taking any diet pills or starving yourself because you can eat as much soup as you like during the course of the week.
The main reason you lose weight with this 7 day soup diet is because the soup contains low calories and absolutely no fat, therefore, if your calorie intake is lower and you burn more than you're taking in, of course you're going to lose weight. However, as I stated before, you should consult your primary doctor before starting any diet especially if you have medical conditions that would be severely affected by rapid weight loss or dietary changes.
In my opinion, I do not recommend this diet at all for women who are pregnant because pregnant women need to eat a variety of food to be healthy, keep their baby healthy, and obtain all the nutrients and vitamins needed for a successful pregnancy.
I am not a physician; I am only stating my opinion based on my personal weight-loss results from the SACRED HEART DIET also known as the 7 day soup diet and nothing more. In my opinion, I would recommend this soup diet only for short-term results and to get you jump started towards a healthier you. I like that it cleanses your body from the inside out and is a whole lot safer than taking any diet pills or starving yourself because you can eat as much soup as you like during the course of the week.
The main reason you lose weight with this 7 day soup diet is because the soup contains low calories and absolutely no fat, therefore, if your calorie intake is lower and you burn more than you're taking in, of course you're going to lose weight. However, as I stated before, you should consult your primary doctor before starting any diet especially if you have medical conditions that would be severely affected by rapid weight loss or dietary changes.
In my opinion, I do not recommend this diet at all for women who are pregnant because pregnant women need to eat a variety of food to be healthy, keep their baby healthy, and obtain all the nutrients and vitamins needed for a successful pregnancy.
Overall I feel amazing and proud of myself for being strong even if it was for just one week. I proved to myself that I can do anything I set my mind to do and I am more motivated than ever to be healthy and follow my dreams and share what I've learned with my family and others because I feel like LIVING my life not standing on the sideline waiting to lose it.
There is also a personal reason why being healthy is so important to me. I lost someone very special in my family to heart disease at such a young age without any warning. I know that one day we will all be together in heaven above but I'm still young and I want to live a long life with my family. I love my family and I love my temple that God gave me so I must take care of it and treat it right.
So how about you? Have you decided to LIVE! Whatever your goals or dreams are, follow your heart and stay committed. We only have one LIFE so we must LIVE it to the fullest!
Still have more weight to lose after your jumpstart weightloss diet, checkout my friends gym at CROSSLEAN PERFORMANCE CENTER and get a FREE SESSION & a road to Firmer abs!!!
VOTE FOR LIL LEXA Share her video!
There is also a personal reason why being healthy is so important to me. I lost someone very special in my family to heart disease at such a young age without any warning. I know that one day we will all be together in heaven above but I'm still young and I want to live a long life with my family. I love my family and I love my temple that God gave me so I must take care of it and treat it right.
So how about you? Have you decided to LIVE! Whatever your goals or dreams are, follow your heart and stay committed. We only have one LIFE so we must LIVE it to the fullest!
Still have more weight to lose after your jumpstart weightloss diet, checkout my friends gym at CROSSLEAN PERFORMANCE CENTER and get a FREE SESSION & a road to Firmer abs!!!
VOTE FOR LIL LEXA Share her video!
I was just trying to find answers on it since there is no real specifics mentioned, such as on the banana day can you also have other fruit or veggies? On the day it says to eat meat and tomatoes can I slao eat other veggies or fruit at all?
ReplyDeleteFor some reason your comment got lost in my moderator and I didn't get to see your comment until now. I wish I could of responded sooner and I'm glad you stopped by. To answer your question for "banana day", it's basically just means the day you can have bananas as they are not allowed any other day of The Sacred Heart Diet. You can still eat other fruits but its best if you have mostly bananas and milk since this combination can help you absorb more vitamins. Bananas are very nutritious and delicious. They are high in fiber and potassium, vitamin B6 and more. Milk is high in calcium and combined together with bananas, well you get the idea. It's just good for you period especially when you are doing the Sacred Heart Diet when you need all the vitamins and healthy energy you can get.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Meat day, you can have all the veggies and fruit you want except for very starchy vegetables such as corn or potatoes. A potato should only be eaten on the second day of the Sacred Heart Diet and you can even have it with butter and salt. You can find more information on the plan that I followed initially that helped me lose 14 lbs in one week and the reason that I made the decision to start the Sacred Heart diet by going to this article http://thevaneddayz.blogspot.com/2011/04/im-losing-20-lbs-in-one-week-learn-how.html
Another thing, I'm sure I'v mentioned it on my blog somewhere but just in case you haven't read it yet: I'm not a doctor, nutritionist or health professional. This blog is based solely on my personal experience, research, opinions, weightloss, and my obsession with being a healthier me. I like to share my journey to being healthier to help others get motivated but by all means consult a professional or doctor before starting any diet or program if you must, especially if you have any serious or special health conditions.
Hope everything works out for you. If you already tried the Sacred Heart Diet, let me know how it goes. You can always send me a comment here or contact me through social media.Thank you for your questions. I will be updating this blog soon with new recipes and more soon. Don't forget to subscribe to this blog, join me on twitter or you can find The Vane D Dayz on Facebook.
My friends and I are going to start this tomorrow. We're all wondering if you were able to keep the weight off after the one week of doing the diet? I know you had stated that it was a great kick start to eating healthier and whatnot, but was just curious in knowing if you were able to maintain at that weight you were on Day 7.
ReplyDeleteThat's great! Let me know how it goes. Just to remind you, this diet is not permanent. I used it to kickstart my weight-loss but I would not recommend long-term use. Also, I'm not a nutritionist or physician. I am just sharing my personal experience with this diet. If you have any health concerns you should discuss them with your physician. To answer your question: Initially I was able to not only maintain the weightloss, but to lose more weight when I started this diet for a couple of years or so. I felt great for some time and the weight just kept coming off and I had plenty of compliments. I have to be honest though, the past couple of years l have gained a lot of weight but I can assure you it has nothing to do with this diet as much as it has to do with dealing with life. Life has been demanding lately but nothing I can't handle. Unfortunately, I tend to gain weight when life gets hard. That's something I'm working on. That's one of the main reasons why I haven't written on my blog here for some time now. I'm currently working on bettering myself not just physically but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The thing with me is that I give my all when it comes to my family and the ones that I care about but sometimes I forget to take care of myself. I need to remind myself that I need to take some time for myself so that I can be more helpful to others. For this reason I have decided to take some time to focus on myself. It's probably the best thing I can ever do. Getting healthy is a roller coaster journey and I'm human but in order for me to stay healthy, I need to be healthy emotionally as well, and I'm working on that…BELIEVE ME!
ReplyDeleteGreat article Lot's of information to Read...Great Man Keep Posting and update to People..Thanks