Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The first time I saw snow was when I was about eight years old in Hoopeston, Illinois. My family and I were Migrants and we would live in Illinois for half of the year every year. Sometimes we would stay longer until December and that was a great advantage because we got to experience the sensation of seeing snow. 

The first time I felt snow was amazing. I was wearing several layers of clothing and a snow suit. My mom would always bundle me and my brother up during the winter days before she sent us off to school. I hated it because all the layers made it hard to walk but she would always say, "abrigate y cubrete el pecho porque te va pegar un resfriado (cover yourself up because you're going to get sick with a cold)." Mom was always convinced that colds were caused by people not wearing enough layers during the cold winter days. 

I walked to school with my best friend Janitta looking like an astronaut with my arms sticking out and then all of a sudden I felt a snowflake. I didn't know what it was at first. It felt cold and then wet. I thought it was starting to rain. My friend and I started running fast to school thinking it was going to rain and then we saw white flakes covering the streets. We stopped to look at it. I told my friend, "I don't think this is rain, its too beautiful too be rain." We stood there just staring at it while it fell to the ground like a delicate piece of art, so white, pure and beautiful. 

The next day on Saturday, the whole town was covered in snow. I didn't wear my snowsuit that day because I figured it would be hard to move, and I made my first snowman with my friends. We played all day in the snow and laid in it so we could feel it. It was so cold, but we didn't care because it was so much fun and beautiful to watch. I should have listened to my mom though, because the next day we were all sick with fever. It was all worth it and if I had to do it all over again I would, except this time I would wear my snowsuit (LOL).

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